Stories From Here and There by Charles A. Morse

A notebook containing articles written by Charles Morse and published in the Orange Enterprise & Journal (with the exception of two articles published in 1950). Articles include the following subjects:
- First Congregational Unitarian Church 100th Anniversary - 1936
- Warwick’s 46th Annual Reunion - 1940
- Henry Manning, his time in Andersonville and his early death in 1868
- William Lawrence - first Warwick son to enlist in Civil War, first Warwick son to die
- Naming of Warwick landmarks: Mount Grace, Bennett’s Knob, Flour Hill, Rum Brook Road
- Church Bell
- Dr. Pomeroy vs. Shays Rebellion
- Susie E. Barber (daughter of Deacon Hervey Barber)
- Goldsbury family
- Tory Ministers
- Spiritualistic Spring

Year (or year range)
Approximate era