Album: Former Citizens , Book 2 - page 1
Page 2 - an index of pictures 36-56. Book two is a continuation of Book one of Former Warwick citizens - page 1 index would be in Book one.
Album: Old Buildings - P. 28
Two photos: 1. Barber House, later home of Charles Lincoln (8 Winchester Road). 2. Waterman House, burned 1974 (south of 425 Winchester Road, just below where the M & M trail crosses Rt. 78)
Album: Old Buildings - P. 27
Promotion sheet for "Warwick House." Picture of Inn with horse and buggies in front of Inn. Proprietor: A. N. Hunt. "Warwick House, an ideal summer hotel situated in the picturesque town of Warwick, Mass." followed by a detailed description of what one would find in Warwick and at the Warwick House.
Album: Old Buildings - P. 26
Three pictures of the Bears Den located in the west part of Warwick.
Album: Old Buildings - P. 25
Three picture postcards: 1. Fisher Home (58 Orange Road). 2. Rev. Barney House, Percy Cole home on Northfield Road. Was bought by State and torn down. 3. Tyler House 1915, Howard Anderson 1930, Spiller 1960-70, Les Black in 1980 (11 Orange Road).
Album: Old Buildings - P. 23
Three picture postcards: 1. Charles Williams' house 1910, Fred Lincoln home (14 Winchester Road). 2. Wheelock House, McKim 1900, Lincoln 1915, Holbrook (17 Athol Road). 3. Leslie Green house 1900, Francis house 1940, Greenwald home (49 Athol Road)