The Warwick Historical Society
The Society was incorporated under Massachusetts law in 1972. Its first president was Charles Morse. We meet quarterly on the third Wednesday of the month in December, March, June and September.
Current Officers Larry Carey, President Mike Carey, Vice-President Arline Lincoln, Treasurer Martha Morse, Secretary
Charlie Brown, Martha Morse, Arline Lincoln, Larry Carey
The Warwick Historical Society Museum Ed Lemon, Curator
The curator brings a historical object to the museum
Inventory Data Entry Project Ed Lemon, Project Manager, Photographer and Editor Andrea Spertus Lemon, Software Engineer Cal Fellows, Historian, Carpenter and Gofer Fredericka Fellows, Data Entry, Inspiration Beverly Shepardson, Data Entry Deb Paulson, Data Entry, Garment and Textile Manager Nadia Marti, Data Entry Helen "Liz" Whipple, Data Entry
The data entry crew: Freddie, Liz, Deb, Bev, Nadia
The software engineer moves a Warwick landmark slightly to the left