

Album of Houses, p. 9

One picture postcard and two pictures of Wheeler Box Shop: 1.The Wheeler Box Shop, in Brush Valley on Rt. 78 located north of Evelyn Phillips house. It burned in the 1920s. Wheeler Box Shop was located by the dam at the south end of Wheeler Pond. 2. Engine house for the Brush Valley box shop on the left. In the background in the Wheeler house. 3. Another view of the box shop.

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Album of Houses, p. 8

Two picture postcards: 1.The George Francis house (11 Orange Road), later the Howard Anderson place. The porch was removed in the '60s. A good view of Mt. Grace. Looking to the right is first, Stevens, Poirer, and now the Jon Cook house. The Warwick store is on the far right. Taken in 1908. 2. Mt. Grace, taken around 1912.

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
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Album of Random Warwick Pictures p. 2

top: Memorial (Funeral) Card for Samuel Hastings, well-known citizen of Warwick. Died in 1915, aged 78 years.
bottom: group photograph with key.
Front Row: George Albert Witherell, Rose Edith Witherell, Walter Manning, Lizettte James (seated) William Bass, Blanche Whipple. Second Row: Mattie Hastings, Herbert Collier, (blank) Wilson. Seated on floor: Lewis Allen, John Jaymes,

Approximate era
don't know

Album of Houses, p. 7

Two picture postcards: 1. Warwick Center school building. It burned in late 1929. A new school was built in 1930 at a cost of $14,000, and is the one being used today in 1986. 2. Taken in 1907, this picture shows pupils playing on the school grounds. The schoolhouse burned in 1929. The Unitarian Church spire shows the weather-vane, which no longer is there.

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
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