A xerox copy of "The Warwick High School" a poem given by Miss Katherine Bass, Jan 11, 1886. People mentioned in the poem are: Dr. Jenkins (teacher), Frederic Barber (boards at hotel), Frank Elmore, Jennie & Nellie, Annie Coughlin, Arthur Brown, Exilda Shorgue, Phebe Moore, Fred, Charlie, Melzer, Lizzie, Annie Printice, Wesley Johnson, Julia & Abby, Templeton, Detroit, Fanny, Minnie, Sarah, Josie, Daisy, Chatfield & Dudley, Arthur Barber, Cora Worden, Arthur Simpson, Georgie Manning, Arthur & Mabel, Frederic Delvey, George & Vina Rogers, Bertie Richards, Georgie Shepherdson, Edith Atwood & Georgia Bass, Carrie Bert, Oscar Elmore, Willie Eddy. Poem states that the school started in December for a ten week term.
Poem is in notebook labeled "The Warwick High School Poem"