Room 2B

Room 2B

Photo album of old schools and students in Warwick

This photo album contains photos of Brook Schoolhouse, Beech Hill School, Village School, Center School and group photos of classes, some in the late 1800s and some in the early 1900s Individual teacher photos include: Rhoda Cook, Fanny Mason, Elinor Baron, Ruby Piper, and Thouin & Brown. A Program leaflet entitled Exhibition, of Warwick High School, presented at B.G. Putnam's Hall, Nov. 11, 1859 with numerous participants.

Year (or year range)
Approximate era

Funeral Sermon - Rev Hedge

A 27 page reproduction from the original found at the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester, Mass. A funeral sermon (Readiness for Death) preached by Rev. Bunker Gay (1735-1815), pastor of Hinsdale, NH at the burial of his friend and Harvard classmate, Rev. Lemuel Hedge of Warwick. Hedge, an admitted Tory , was considered to have died as the result of persecution.

Year (or year range)
Approximate era
before 1800

Music boxes

3 music boxes
1.Windmill - plays Windmills Of Your Mind (made in Taiwan)
2.Steel tower - depicting a wind driven mill - plays ? (made in Hong Kong)
3.Liqueur bottle - plays Jingle Bells (product of Denmark)

Approximate era