

Album of Houses, p. 30

Two picture postcards: 1. Postcard published by W. P. Shumway "Park, Town Hall and Hotel from Store, Warwick, Mass." Note on front of card - "This is the view from our store that Dad built." 1907. Postcard was to Mrs. Sampson of Orange from Alma Green. 2. View of Inn and Town Hall 1907.

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
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Album of Houses, p. 29

Two picture postcards: 1. Warwick Town Hall built by Frank E. Witherell and dedicated in 1895. House in the background (11 Orange Road) was the George Francis home, later the Howard Anderson place. Now in 1986 owned by Les Black. 2. The Warwick Inn built by Samuel Fay May 10, 1827.

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
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Album of Houses, p. 28

Two picture postcards: 1. View of the Old Boot Shop, where the Warwick Town Hall now stands. The Cook House (9 Athol Road) is on the right, and the Warwick Inn is in the background 2. Village from the East. Town Hall, Inn, and 24 Athol Road on the right and Unitarian Church and 17 Athol Road on the left.

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
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Album of Houses, p. 27

Three picture postcards: 1. View of center of town looking west from Athol Road. 2. View of Town Hall, Unitarian Church and Cook House (9 Athol Road) looking west from Inn. Postcard published by W. P. Shumway. 3. View of Town Hall, Town Common, and 2 Winchester Road looking north from Inn. Postcard published by W. P. Shumway.

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
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Album of Houses, p. 26

Two picture postcards: 1. Mrs. Kim's house (17 Athol Road) now the Holbrook residence. Unitarian Church in the background. 2. Millstone located in front of Library. "Millstones of first grist mill in Warwick built 1761 by David Ayres on Black Brook in Gardner's Canada, since 1763 called Warwick. Stones and tablet given Town and placed here by public spirited residents and non-residents 1927."

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
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Album of Houses, p. 25

Two picture postcards: 1. The George Cook house (9 Athol Road) across from the Town Hall. Built by Chapin and Holden, and Samuel Fay, 1830 at the same time that the Unitarian Church was built by the same contractors. 2. The Howard House was next to the Library. This building was at one time rented to the town, and the town offices were downstairs. It burned later on. It was located about where the town underground water tank is now.

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
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Album of Houses, p. 23

Twp picture postcards: 1. The M. F. Sampson home (1 Orange Road) north of the general store. Later, E. A. Lyman and his wife lived here. 2. postcard published by E. A. Lyman. "Store and Post Office, Warwick, Mass." Warwick General Store, built by M. F. Sampson in 1894. Later owned by Jennings, E. A. Lyman, and John Wallock. Others who have operated the store are Donald Belsky, Anthony Shatos, Les Reynolds, Bruce Gunnard, and now in 1986 Tom Hart.

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
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Album of Houses, p. 21

Two picture postcards: 1. The "Maples" and part of the school common. Picture taken in 1908. Note the dirt road. The arrow in the picture shows approximately where the Warwick fire station is today. The Lyman house is in the background on the left. 2. The "Maples" looking south on Rt. 78, across from the fire station.

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
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