

Album of Houses, p. 6

Two photos and space for one missing photo: 1. The William Lawrence home (496 Old Winchester Road). Lawrence was the first boy from Warwick to die in the Rebellion of 1861-1865. Was the Forbes or Mason home. In 1986 owned by Evelyn Hoffman. 2. George Wheeler house in Brush Valley, which burned in the 50's. House was located on Wheeler Road north of 10 Wheeler Road. House owned by Evelyn Phillips at one time. 3. Description of missing photo: Top of Hokanum Hill, west of Wheeler Pond in Brush Valley. Elmer Record who lived in the Record, or later Cadrett house, sits on the rock. Cadrett House - 899 Orange Road

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
Item is inside of:

Album of Houses, p. 5

One photo and space and description for another photo: 1. photo of shop, The Warwick Blacksmith, owned by Ernest Prouty, "The Village Smithy." Was located near Mt. Grace Avenue, West of the country Homestead, located on the Athol Road, at the Four Corners. Arthur Bowers and his family live here now in 1986.

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
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Album of Houses, p. 4

Two photos of the Old Blacksmith Shop located between homes in 1986 owned by Joseph Stevens (50 Orange Road) and Alan Miner (58 Orange Road). The shop was the Barnard Fisher shop built on Congregational Church land. Fisher was father of Mrs. Annie Pulcifer.

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
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Album of Houses, p. 2

Two photos: a. back side of Leslie Green house. Was Lemuel Hedge home. In 1986 owned by the Greenwalds. 2.The Reed family - Lemuel Hedge - Frank Green - Howard Francis all owned this home at one time. In 1986 owned by Audrey Greenwald. 49 Athol Road

Donated by
Mrs. Ronald Manning
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Album: Old Warwick Scenes p. 20

Two photo postcards, (39 and 40), both with messages
The top shows Chas. Williams House, Winchester Road, Warwick
Message is a thank you note from Joe to his Aunt Mavorette, "shall feel quite swell wearing them", Sept. 1908
Bottom shows "Rear view of Green house, The Maples" (Morse)
Message reads" how do you like this one of the house and yard..? Can you hear us speak plainly over this phone?" Some were having trouble hearing.

Album: Old Warwick Scenes p. 19

Two photo postcards (37 and 38), both with messages
Top shows Lyman house and barn, south view, 1908 (Morse)
Message from nephew, F.L.G, thanks the Williams family for birthday package,"just what I have been wanting for some time" "Tell Uncle Frank we have finished haying over to Chestnut Hill" (Aug 8)
Bottom photo shows Leslie Green house, "The Maples", Athol Road
Message from Alma tells of Joe going to last rehearsal, hoping for favorable weather for the show.