Room 1A

Program for play "The Revolution Comes To Lemuel Hedge"

Program for play "The Revolution Comes to Lemuel Hedge" by Charles Morse and George Foot
Play in honor of the American Revolution Bicentennial 1776-1976
July 2-3, 1976; Mt. Grace Field
Photo includes cast list of 1976 production
Play first given on August 16 and 17, 1975 with a slightly different cast
Cast of 1975 production found in program included in photo book of bicentennial play
Program located in wooden cabinet, left unit, north wall of room 1a

Year (or year range)
Approximate era

Preservation Planning Manual and notes re Warwick Houses

Blue looseleaf notebook published by Mass Historical Commission in 1988 is titled Preservation Planning Manual Local Historical Commissions: Their Role in Local Government
Ralph Witherell noted that a survey of Warwick houses was started (photos, info compiled about properties) but not finished. Some additional pages contain info about some houses. Charles Morse has info on 2 pages with references (deeds and letters)

Year (or year range)
Approximate era
don't know

Boys Club - 1950

Small notebook titled "Secretary's Report of the Warwick Boys Club for the year of 1950"
There were approx. 25 members who met each Friday. Constitution and By-laws, Sponsors and members listed. Also a Warwick Boys Club Song.
A list of Warwick boys (grades 7-12) for 1967-8 is also included

Notebook located left unit, wooden cabinet, room 1a

Year (or year range)
Approximate era
don't know